The IVF procedure can be prescribed in cases where other fertility treatments have failed or if the chances of a successful pregnancy are higher with this method than with any other treatment. If there are no contraindications, the procedure can be carried out simply at the request of the couple.

In what circumstances is IVF used? Tubal-peritoneal factor: the blockage of the fallopian tube prevents the egg and sperms to form meeting. The egg is not able to gain access to the uterine cavity for pregnancy to occur. In this case, you can either try to restore patency using a surgical laparoscopic operation or perform IVF and implant an already-developed embryo into the uterine cavity.

Male factor

This diagnosis is made when the quantity and quality of the sperm is low. If the number of healthy, active sperm is too low to conceive a healthy child, it is better to resort to ART.

Mild forms of endometriosis usually respond to surgery and hormonal treatment. If, after the therapy, pregnancy does not occur, then the doctor recommends IVF procedure to the couple.

Age-related infertility

Women who are above 40yrs of age and those in whom their menses have stopped may benefit from IVF to achieve conception.

Anovulation is usually treated with simpler methods, such as hormonal stimulation or IUI. But if it’s unsuccessful, then IVF is the next option.

Unexplained infertility

If it’s not possible to make a clear diagnosis of infertility and all treatment options had is unsuccessful, the doctor may suggest that the couple try IVF. 
