Laparoscopy is an endoscopic surgical technique that uses a small cut in the abdominal wall through which a laparoscope is introduced inside the body. The laparoscope is a long , thin tube (only a few millimetres in diameter) with a tiny camera at the end that visualises the abdominal cavity.

This procedure allows the gynaecologist to diagnose and treat many diseases and conditions of the uterus, the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the colon and the uppermost part of the cervix. If surgical treatment is necessary, thin laparoscopic instruments can be inserted through several tiny incisions so that the respective tissues can be grabbed, moved, cut, removed or burnt.

The gynaecologist operates using hand-eye coordination while observing the movements of the laparoscopic instruments on a video display. This type of surgery requires special skills and solid experience.

Indications for gynaecological Laparoscopy

  • Endometriosis
  • Assessing tubal patency in infertility
  • Tubal ligation (having the fallopian tubes tied for permanent contraception)
  • Tubal (extrauterine) pregnancy
  • Pelvic inflammation
  • Surgical repair of the fallopian tubes
  • Removal of adhesions after previous surgeries or diseases
  • Removal of ovarian cysts or the whole ovary
  • Removal of the uterus with or without its associated anatomical parts
  • Inspection and removal of pelvic lymph nodes
  • Removal of uterine fibroids (myomas)